How to cancel lexa

How to cancel lexa

#howtocancellexa #cancellexa #lexaalternative #howtostoplexa

How can I cancel my Lexa account?

Not happy with Lexa? Here's how you can cancel your Lexa account. And how you can try Findl instead.
Findl is a new alternative for Lexa.

This is how you cancel Lexa

It seems a lot of people are trying to find out for how they can cancel Lexa. And apparently they don't make it very easy.
First of all you have to cancel your subscription. Go to "My account" by clicking on your profile photo. Then go to "Manage my membership" and enter your password.
Before you can stop your automatic subscription renewal you have to go through a number of steps.

Remove your Lexa profile

After this, your profile is still active. To really delete your Lexa profile, go to "My account" again. Now go via "Lexa support" to "Suspend my account".
Confirm your choice, enter your password again, go through the following steps (yes, even more!), and eventually your Lexa account will be deleted.

Alternative for Lexa

Many people like Lexa, others are looking for an alternative dating site.
Findl is no-nonsense, has only verified profiles, and an excellent matching engine.
In addition, we do something that other dating sites do not: we leave you alone to find your date.
You can start right away with a free dating profile, or go for a Premium subscription.
But whatever you choose, we won't ask for money all the time.
And we do not extend your subscription without your permission.

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